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Doctors without borders



Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières/MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in 1971 in France. MSF are working in 60 countries and provides assistence to people in need. They work in areas with armed conflicts, epedemics, natural disasters and malnutrition.





International Office:  http://www.msf.org/

Australia: http://www.msf.org.au

Austria: http://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.at

Belgium: http://www.msf-azg.be

Canada: http://www.msf.ca

Denmark: http://www.msf.dk

France: http://www.paris.msf.org

Germany: http://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de

Greece: http://www.msf.gr

Holland: http://www.artsenzondergrenzen.nl

Hong Kong: http://www.msf.org.hk

Italy: http://www.msf.it/

Japan: http://www.msf.or.jp/

Luxemburg: http://www.msf.lu/

Norway: http://www.leger-uten-grenser.no/

South Africa: www.msf.org.za

Spain: www.msf.es

Sweden: www.lakareutangranser.se

Switzerland: www.msf.ch

United Arab Emirates: www.msfuae.ae

United Kingdom: www.uk.msf.org

United States: www.doctorswithoutborders.org







Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 15:20

