Feel free to download banners and use them as you like. You can use them in your mail or at your homepage or anywhere you want. Just Right Click and Save. You can use the code under the banners to place them in a HTML document. They can be scaled by adjusting WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters.

<A href="/" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="engagetodayeu!.png" NAME="EngageToday" WIDTH=465 HEIGHT=80 BORDER=0></A> |

<A href="/" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="engagetodayeu.png" NAME="EngageToday" WIDTH=442 HEIGHT=80 BORDER=0></A> |

<A href="/" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="engagetoday_short.png" NAME="EngageToday" WIDTH=380 HEIGHT=103 BORDER=0></A> |

<A href="/" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="engagetodaylogoa.png" NAME="EngageToday" WIDTH=481 HEIGHT=186 BORDER=0></A> |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 March 2010 15:25 |