This site is for helping people invest in the world. Every where on this planet people needs help. Some places are worse than others. Some areas need physical help, food and shelter. Other places need care and kindness.
There is no way you can donate anything on or to this site. The risk of phishing is too big and we are not in financial needs anyway. This is a non profit site. If you really want to help please find an organization at this site you want to donate your money or your work and contact them directly!
Last Updated on Monday, 05 April 2010 22:50 |
Doing Well by doing Good
"You have to take a stand in your life, because we are not here for ME and we are not her for YOU. We are here for the planet."
Sean Stephenson
We are all responsible for the planet. Individuals and families as well as companies and governments. And the funny thing is that families, societies, communities and governments are all based on individuals. We can not keep on living in our own small boxes and be indifferent to the rest of the world. We need to wake up and take responsibility. Not just for ME. Not just for YOU. For the world. We need to experience that Doing Well by Doing Good is more beneficial to you AND me than closing the windows to the rest of the world. We all have to take part in global health. Survival of the fittest still applies to the animal kingdom and has brought humanity to where we are now. But we are facing a new paradigm - right now! If we continue the old strategy we will not survive as human beings. We will only survive together! |
Last Updated on Monday, 05 April 2010 22:50 |
Good news!
Bill Gates and his wife Melinda has announced that their foundation will donate $10 billion over the next ten years to research new vaccines and bring them to the world's poorest countries.